Frequently asked questions
Q: What can I expect from our first session?
A: The initial session is sort of broken up into different sections.
The basics
First of all, we will go through the therapeutic contract. This outlines confidentiality, how many sessions we will have and the frequency of those sessions.
I will ask you some basic questions such as details of next of kin, the name of your GP, any medications you are currently taking and if you have any physical health issues that you'd like me to know about.
The Here and Now
We will talk through what has brought you to counselling and how we can work together on exploring that. We might discuss how it's impacting your daily life and how long it has been going on for. I may ask what you like doing in your spare time and what the key figures in your life are. This is all forms part of me getting to know a bit about you and starting to hear your story.
The Then and There
I may ask you a bit about what it was like for you growing up, who the influential people in your life were and how you experienced childhood. We can go into as little or as much depth as you feel comfortable with. You are in charge of what you would like to disclose and what you'd rather keep to yourself for the time being.
Remember that this session is as much about you sussing me out as it is about me hearing your story! You can ask any questions you like during the session.
Q: What if I need to cancel?
A: I ask that you give me as much notice as possible if you need to cancel. If you cancel with less than 48 hours notice, the full fee of £50 will be due.
Q: Is everything we talk about confidential?
A: In short, yes. There are some exceptions to this, for example:
If I believe you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else
If my notes are requested by the courts
If you disclose involvement in a serious crime such as trafficking or acts of terrorism
During my clinical supervision, some details about the work may be shared. When this happens, your anonymity will be full protected and no names will be disclosed
Q: How far in advance can we book sessions?
A: Usually sessions are booked monthly in advance.
Q: What happens if I miss an appointment?
A. If you miss an appointment and get in touch soon after, then we will rearrange our next appointment for the usual time slot. If you miss three consecutive appointments in a row and I do not hear from you, I will assume you are no longer attending and take you off my books. It is important in Psychotherapy that there is a chance for an ending session and as such this would be arranged where ever possible.
Q: What happens if I change my mind about therapy after a few sessions?
A: There are many reasons why you may want to end therapy. It could be due to costs, or simply that you have changed your mind. I would encourage an open exploration of options before ending the sessions, but I will always respect whatever decision you make.
Q: How long should I expect to be in counselling?
A: Some people find some relief in talking over their problems in a safe environment and may only need 6-8 sessions. Others may benefit from longer term working which can span over many years. It's really about what works best for you and what you need.
Q: What kind of people seek counselling?
A: Absolutely anyone! There is a bit of a misconception of counselling only being useful or used if you have a problem or issue. Whilst a l lot of people will seek counselling when they are grappling with a life change or they may be depressed or anxious, counselling can be much more than managing the here and now. It can be a process of exploration of who you are, what you want, figuring out your identity and what makes you you.